Resources to Encourage Conversations About Race

The Maryland School Counselor Association is committed to supporting counselors in Maryland to learn more about social justice and be proactive in facilitating conversations related to race and racial inequality. As counselors, we can offer support, love, compassion, and resources to students and families who have been affected. To better help our counselors, we have started collecting resources that you may find useful.

For School CounselorsFor TeachersFor StudentsFor Admin
All LevelsAll LevelsAll LevelsAll Levels
ASCA Anti-Racism ResourcesAnti-Racist Educator Article Caste
American U: Call to ActionAnti-Racist Writing Workshop Suddenly Diverse
Interrupting RacismTeaching for Justice Lessons Other People’s Children
AddictionResource.netPBS Educator Multiplication is for White People
   Why Are All the Black Kids…
   The Dream-Keepers
   Podcast: Nice White Parents
   Discipline Audit
   School-to-Prison Pipeline PPT
Diverse BooksDiverse BooksDiverse Books 
  Stamped: A History of Anti-RacismPushout
  Well Read Black Girl