Archives Committee
- Chair: Meghan Comaskey,
- Committee Details: Coming Soon
By-Laws Committee
- Chair: Dr. Nikki Ham,
- Committee Details: The By-Laws Committee reviews the by-laws of the Association on an annual basis and making recommendations to the Executive Board as appropriate.
Conference Committee
- Chair: Maureen Ponce,
- Committee Details: Coming Soon
Emerging Leaders Committee
- Chair: Wes Cooper,
- Committee Details: Coming Soon
Ethics Committee
- Chair: Dr. Gayle M. Cicero,
- Committee Details: The Ethics Committee is responsible for reviewing the Ethical Standards of the Association and assist the membership in understanding ethical practices.
Legislative and Advocacy Concerns Committee
- Chair: Holly J. Kleiderlein,
- Chair Details: The Chair is responsible for sharing information on current legislation and advocacy efforts with the committee and the MSCA Board.
- Committee Details: Discusses current legislation impacting school counselors and student mental health and provides counselors with information to advocate for our profession at the local, state, and national level.
Mentoring Committee
- Chair: Kathleen Klecan,
- Committee Details: The mentoring committee aims to connect school counselor colleagues across Maryland in a caring, collaborative, encouraging, and supportive professional relationship. This committee will work to review mentor and mentee applications and provide professional development to our members in the area of mentoring. Our goal is to strengthen school counselors’ efficacy in implementing comprehensive school counseling programs, addressing barriers, and becoming effective systemic change agents. This goal is met through a variety of models including a one-to-one mentoring program, professional learning communities (PLCs) and affinity groups.
Membership Committee
- Chair: Bill Marchione,
- Chair Details: Responsible for maintaining MSCA’s membership database while also coordinating all membership activities.
- Committee Details: Maintain membership database, help set up and organized registration for MSCA events. Help facilitate membership promotion activities such as the yearly MSCA Membership Drive.
Merchandise Committee
- Chair: Sharon Winston,
- Position Details: The Merchandise Committee Chair is responsible for the sale and distribution of MSCA merchandise through online sales and various events.
Professional Development Committee
- Chair: Dr. Gail Martinez Waters,
- Committee Details: The Professional Development committee supports MSCA mission and vision to create a network of support for school counselors by providing professional and leadership development, outreach, and advocacy.
Racial Justice and Social Equity Committee
- Chair: James Harris,
- Chair Details: The Racial Equity & Social Justice committee chairperson is committed to anti-bias and anti-racist school counseling within their school and community. This role assists all Maryland School Counselor Association committees in upholding diversity, equity and inclusion efforts in policy and practice. The chairperson also leads monthly meetings to expand the principles of social justice through professional development, self-care opportunities, website updates, advocacy and special events.
- Committee Details: The Racial Equity & Social Justice committee seeks to empower all school counselors to engage in a culturally affirming counseling philosophy. The committee serves as a source of information and professional development for school counselors in Maryland to ensure racial equity and social justice are an integral part of the foundation of their school institution.
Recognition Program Committee
- Chair: Jessica Conter,
- Committee Details: The Awards Committee coordinates the nominations and selections for School Counselor of the Year, Advocate of the Year, Educator of the year, and Graduate Student of the Year. In addition, this committee will organize the NSCW School Counselor Recognition Gala.
Social Media Committee
- Chair: Allison Downey,
- Committee Details: The Social Media Committee communicates with our membership via social media such as Facebook and Twitter.
Independent/Private School Representative
- Representative: Coming Soon
- Position Details: The independent/private school representative will be welcome at all executive board meetings. The independent/private school representative will assist in promoting the organization to other independent/private schools while also communicating the needs of Maryland’s independent/private schools.
Graduate Student Representative
- Representative: Coming Soon
- Position Details: The graduate student representative will be welcome at all executive board meetings. The graduate student representative will assist in promoting the organization to other Maryland school counseling graduate students, and the appointed representative will also assist with the operation of the organization’s yearly events such as the MSCA Conference and the Graduate Student Seminar.
Central Region Representative
- Representative: Doreen Hogans,
- Position Details: The regional representative communicates regional needs to the board. The Central Regional Representative is representing Prince George’s, Anne Arundel, Montgomery, and Howard Counties.
Eastern Region Representative
- Representative: Brad Plutschak,
- Position Details: The regional representative communicates regional needs to the board. The Eastern Regional Representative represents Caroline, Cecil, Dorchester, Kent, Queen Anne’s, Somerset, Talbot, Wicomico, and Worcester Counties.
Northern Region Representative
- Representative: Rhonda Waller,
- Position Details: The regional representative communicates regional needs to the board. The Northern Regional Representative is representing Baltimore City, Baltimore, Harford, and Carroll Counties.
Southern Region Representative
- Representative: Jackie Cheaves,
- Position Details: The regional representative communicates regional needs to the board. The Southern Regional Representative is representing Charles, St. Mary’s, and Calvert Counties.
Western Region Representative
- Representative: Laura Jones,
- Position Details: The regional representatives communicate regional needs to the board. The Western Regional Representative represents Garrett, Allegany, Washington, and Frederick Counties.