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MSCA Shared High School Lessons Pop-Up Screen

Search below for lessons at the high school level. You can search key words using the pink search bar.

Lesson Name Lesson Description Grade Level(s) Author Author Email County Document(s)
Dealing With Grief and Loss This presentation is designed for school counselor PD and has activities to use with students in the second half of the presentation. 9-12 Lynne E. Muller, PhD., NCC, LCPC-S MSDE, Section Chief, Student Services and School Counseling Dealing with Grief and Loss(2)
Celebrating Diversity 1 Students will discuss cultural and racial differences that contribute to a more diverse community. As student learn about others through their lens, they will gain an appreciation of and celebrates others’ unique differences and strengths. 11 Secondary Curriculum Writers Baltimore County Public Schools Celebrating Diversity
Celebrating Diversity 2 11 Secondary Curriculum Writers Baltimore County Public Schools In Person Exit Ticket_Celebrating Diversity
Celebrating Diversity 3 11 Secondary Curriculum Writers Baltimore County Public Schools
Stress Mgmt - My Stress Plan 9-12 n/a contact: Charles County Stress Management for Teens - My Stress Plan
Stress Mgmt - Breathing & Relaxing Exercises 9-12 n/a contact: Charles County Stress Management for Teens - Breathing & Relaxation Exercises
Stress Mgmt - All About Stress 9-12 n/a contact: Charles County Stress Management for Teens - All About Stress
Stress Mgmt - Managing Corona Virus Anxiety 9-12 n/a contact: Charles County Stress Management for Teens - Managing Coronavirus Anxiety
Srress Mgmt - What Can I Do? 9-12 n/a contact: Charles County Stress Management for Teens - What Can I Do
Trauma 9-12 n/a contact: Charles County Trauma presentation Final
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